Frances Poole

Frances was responsible for organising the first Arts and Crafts group in Boddington and became their first president in April, 1980.

Born in South Australia, she was presented to the Governor of that state when only two days old. Frances enjoyed a wonderful childhood on her parents’ sheep station, “Mallaquana” (Deep Springs), and her early education was by correspondence and school of the air. at the age of eight, she was sent to board in Whyalla in order to attend school and went on to complete her education at Girton Girls’ Grammar in Adelaide. While training as a nurse, Frances fell in love with one of her patients, John Pool. the couple were married and went to live on John’s family farm in the Adelaide Hills. after a time the family moved west, first to Dandaragan then, to Moore and then on to Mt Howich station, a very lard property out of Esperance. Part of the station overlooked the beautiful Recherche archipelago. The next move was to a very isolated property west of Esperance. With three small children and number four on the way, Fraances decided it was time to develop her artistic talents and, started pottery with the local CWA. At that time there was no town settlement in the area and children were travelling 124 miles a day, round trip to attend school in Mnglingup. a group of people, including Hohn and Frances, decided to overcome the isolation and loneliness and, established their own school. this was the beginning of the small town which was gazetted Cascades. To quote Frances, “The parents owned the school bus, provided hot meals at the school, cleaned it and, helped teach their own thing. Our official teacher taught leather work at night classes. I taught pottery and the men taught each other anything they could think of. The small community became bonded in friendships which helped overcome the isolation”

The Poole family came to Boddington in 1975 and after working on properties in the district built their own lovely home in the township and now both work for Worsley Alumina. For some time Frances travelled to Williams for her raft activities and found others who felt as she did, that Boddington badly needed a group of its own and with the experience gained a Cascades she did something about it. This busy lady has many interests which include native flora and a tendency to plant native trees whenever and wherever possible, pottery, leatherwork, reading and designing houseplants. Her own home bears adequate testimony, as with the exception of the roofing lines, Frances had no outside help with its design.

Food for the Gods


4 egg whites

1 cup sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

125 g mixed nuts

125 g dates, cut up fairly finely

4 tabeespoons Sao biscuit crumbs


Beat egg whites with sugar and baking powder to a meringue. Add nuts, dates and Sao crumbs to meringue mixture. Bake for 1 hour in a slow oven or until set. Serve with whipped cream and strawberries.

French Pancakes

These are ver list and fluffy.


6 eggs, separated

3 tablespoons sugar

¼ teaspoon salt

1 cup milk

1 cup sifted self raising flour

2 tablespoons melted butter


Beat egg whites until bubbly. add sugar and beat until stiff. Set Aside.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks until lemon coloured. Gradually add, while beating the salt, milk, flour and butter. Slowly fond the second mixture into the first. Cook spoonfuls into a greased pan over a moderate heat. Serve and eat immediately with lemon and sugar, cream, golden syrup or, what ever takes your fancy.

Vanilla Slice

The Easy Way


Line a Swiss roll tin with Sao biscuits

2 heaped tablespoons sugar

2 eggs

1 heaped tablespoon cornflour

Vanilla essence

2 cups milk (preferably Sunshine)

1 heaped tablespoon butter

1 heaped tablespoon custard powder


Melt butter, add cornflour and custard powder. Stir until smooth. Beat eggs, sugar, milk and vanilla essence together and add to the above. Return to heat and stir continuously until the mixture is very thick. Stand aside to cool. spread evenly over biscuits and top with another layer of Mayo Biscuits. Ice with either pink or white icing and sprinkle wet coconut. Set in fridge.

Slice is easier to cut if you slide knife around the edge of the biscuits.

Recipes and Reminiscences

Recipe Index