Recipe Index

Before the Main Course


Strawberry Belline

Orange & Dry & Dry

Entrees & Nibbles

Banana Cocktails

Cheese and Potato Omelette

Chicken Liver Pate with Herb Butter

Garlic Prawns

Ham and Cheese Slice

Mandy’s Pate

Mrs T’s Yummy Savoury Crunch

Nuts and Bolts

Pepper Cheese

Curried Spinach Triangles

Zucchine Slice


Carrot and Orange Soup

Cock a Leekie Soup

Corn Chowder

Cream of Vegetable Soup

French Onion Soup

Jenny’s Pumpkin Soup

Our Susie’s Cheese and Parsley Soup

Pumpkin Vichyssoise

Stilton and Bacon Soup

Tomato Soup


Banana Bread

Herb Cheese Bread

Kate’s Bread Recipe

The Main Course

Spinach Pie

Steak with Green Peppercorns


Crab Rice Mornay Parisienne

Easy Fish Mornay

Marron and Rice Medley

Nana’s Fish Dish

Salmon and Pineapple Casserole

Salmon Casserole


Beef Macaroni Casserole

Frankfurter Goulash

Leek Porree and Meatballs

Satay Beef (Chinese)

Steak with Green Peppercorns


Apple Tuna Salad

Cabbage Casserole

Cauliflower & Broccoli Casserole

Copper Penny of Glad’s Sweet and Sour Salad

Corn Cob Pie

Hot Potato Salad

Jill’s Spuds

Spinach Rice

Stuffed Aubergine (Eggplant)


Choko Pickles

Katie’s Relish

Lou’s Mustard

Pear Chutney

Salad Dressing

Zucchini Pickle

After the Main Course

Orange Ambrosia


Almond Apricot Flan

Almond Icecream Delight

Avocado Icecream

Chocolate Icecream

Coral Cavanagh’s Cheese Cake

Easy Cassata

Food for the Gods

French Pancakes

Ginger Crunchy Pudding

Lemon Pudding

Spicy Apple Pudding

Steamed Sponge Pudding

Strathbogie Mist

The Perfect Cheesecake

Thirty Minute Pudding

Yummy Ice cream


Cakes and Slices

1, 2, 3 Biscuits

Banana Cake

Brandied Fruit Slice

Cherry Coconut Slice

Cinnamon Chocolate Cake

Coconut Cake

Coffee Sponge

Cream Puffs

Date and Ginger Slice

Date and Walnut Cake

Date Queen Cake

Duke of Gloucester Chocolate Cake

Easy Fruit Cake

German Apple Cake

Ginger Cake

Lazy Man’s Cake

Mocha Mint Slab


Never Fail Sponge

Olga’s Fruit Cake

Poppy Seed Cake

Potato Cake

Pumpkin Fruit Cake

Pumpkin Sherry Cake

Real Scotch Shortbread

Vanilla Slice (the easy way)

Walnut and Rice Crunchies

Wholemeal Carrot Cake

Zucchini Cake


Chocolate Coconut Creams

Hazel Nut Rum Truffles


Bacon Scones

Cheese Scones

Savoury Scones
