Hazel comes from one of the original Boddington families, her forebears owning land along the picturesque Hotham River. Hazel grew up and was educated in Boddington. On leaving school, she worked in the Newsagent then owned by Mr and Mrs Johnson. Wanting a change, she applied for a waitressing job at the Lodge on Rottnest Island; at that time run by John Dyke, an ex Pingelly policeman who had spent time in Boddington as a relieving officer. After three years on the island, Hazel returned home and married local lad, Errol Sherry. The couple now have three children, Michael, Sandra and, Janine. a born homemaker, Hazel’s BAC interests include ceramics and silver work.
Zucchini Slice
There is always one particular recipe in vogue. Over the years it had been pavlovas, cheesecakes and not so very long ago quiche. 1985 saw the arrival of zucchini slice and most people have made or tasted one of the various versions. It is a tasty slice that deserves its popularity, it freezes well, the ingredients can be varied according to taste or whatever is on hand and is a great way to use up those surplus eggs when the hens are really on the job.
350g zucchini, grated coarsely
1 lartd onion, finely chopped
5 eggs, lightly beaten
¼ to ½ cup oil
3 rashers bacon, chopped
1 cup grated tasty cheese
1 cup self raising flour
salt and pepper to taste
Parsley, shallots or fresh basil may also be added
Grated carrot gives a dash of colour
Combine all ingredients thoroughly. season with salt and pepper. Pour into baking tin or quiche dish and bake in a moderate oven for 30 t0 40 minutes or until set.
Serves 4 to 6 and can be eaten hot or cold.
Steamed Sponge Pudding
2 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons margarine
1 cup self raising flour
Pinch of salt
4 tablespoons milk
Cream margarine and sugar. Add beaten eggs; beat well. Add sifted flour and salt alternately with milk. Place in lightly-greased steamer and cook for one hour. This pudding can be flavoured with lemon or orange rind, before cooking or warmed jam can be poured over when cooked. Delicious with custard.
Vanilla Slice
The Easy Way
Line a Swiss roll tin with Sao biscuits
2 heaped tablespoons sugar
2 eggs
1 heaped tablespoon cornflour
Vanilla essence
2 cups milk (preferably Sunshine)
1 heaped tablespoon butter
1 heaped tablespoon custard powder
Melt butter, add cornflour and custard powder. Stir until smooth. Beat eggs, sugar, milk and vanilla essence together and add to the above. Return to heat and stir continuously until the mixture is very thick. Stand aside to cool. spread evenly over biscuits and top with another layer of Mayo Biscuits. Ice with either pink or white icing and sprinkle wet coconut. Set in fridge.
Slice is easier to cut if you slide knife around the edge of the biscuits.