Jan Fowler (Née Sewell)

Jan grew up in the West Pingelly area where her family are well known. After addending the Pingelly school, she completed her education at Kobeelya in Katanning and then undertook a commercial course at Underwood’s Business College. After working in various offices, she married in 1968 and took on the job of cooking for her husband’s shearing team for the next 10 years. With the move to full time farming and her three children at school, Jan found herself with time on her hands and looked around for something different. that something different was chocolate making and it has now become quite a lucrative business. Jan gets a tremendous amount of enjoyment out of her demonstrations which have taken her all over the state. Her product, Make-A-Choc is now to be found in most supermarkets and plans are being made to extend sales to the eastern states. Jan had conducted chocolate making workshops for the Arts Council and has also had stalls demonstrating her art on Open Days.

Hazel Nut Rum Truffles


500 g Make-a Choc Milk, Dark Chocolate

200 ml whipping cream

Rum oil to taste

200 g roasted hazel nuts


Bring cream t the boil over a medium heat, add 475 g chocolate. Stir mixture constantly with a wooden spoon until it forms a smooth, thick cream. Remove from heat and allow to cool. When cold, add rum oil and chopped roasted nuts. Stir the mixture and leave until it is firm enough to handle. Roll into balls about the size of a walnut. Grate the rest of the chocolate and boll the balls in it.

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