Lyn Taylor (Née Cornish)

Lyn was born and spent her early years in Coolyp, the youngest child and only daughter in a family of three. Primary school was of the the teacher variety at Coolyp and later Wandering when her family moved to a farm in the district. Lyn completed her education at Presbyterian Ladies’ College in Cottesloe

Home from school, Lab enjoyed the farm and whatever sporting activity was going and, remembers playing golf on the course at Gymcoorda with a great deal of affection. Gymcoorda was the first course in the area, preceding both Wandering and Boddington. Lyn married Andrew (Mick) Taylor in 1941, just before e ;eft tp serve in the Middle East. Twelve months after discharge from the army the couple moved to “Mooliaman Farm”, Boddington and their first home was a large tent while they built their house. For many years the couple ran the milk round and, Lyn still recalls with a chuckle many a story about deliveries to the new Australian community at Ranford. She was full of admiration for these people who had arrived with nothing and who had succeeded in making comfortable homes out of virtually nothing. three years after Mick’s death in 1960, Lyn and son, Harry introduced bottled and cartoned milk to Boddington. Twelve years ago, Lyn retired to Boddington and can always be found wherever there is a stall and raffle tickets are to be sold.

Coffee Sponge


2 tablespoons butter

¾ cup sugar

2 eggs, beaten well

3 tablespoons cold milk

1½ tablespoons coffee essence

1 cup sifted self raising flour


cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs, milk and coffee essence. fold in flour. Pour into a greased tin and cook 25 to 30 minutes in a moderate oven.

this is nice with cinnamon or mixed spice added and makes a handy, quick small cake.

German Apple Cake


3 dessertspoons butter

1 cup self raising flour

1 egg

3 tablespoons sugar

1 dessertspoon cinnamon

Cooked apples


Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Add well beaten egg. Fold in dry ingredients. Line a 20 cm to 24 cm cake tin with half the pastry. Cover with cooked apple, then the other half of the pastry. Cook 40 minutes in a moderate oven. Ice with chocolate icing and sprinkle with crushed nuts.

Recipes and Reminiscences

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