I was born in Wagin where my parents had a farm, I attended school there til the age of ten. In 1940 we came to Boddington. With the help of a half brother and us kids we built a shop (Now R.J’s). Finished schooling here and worked in shops and the hospital until we started our nursery. That kept us (husband Fred and me) busy and out of trouble.
Olly has a grown-up. Family who also help her to cater most deliciously for various local functions. Her arts Council activities has been ceramics.
Steak with Green Peppercorns
6 pieces fillet steak
2 teaspoons oil
½ cup dry white wine
½ cup water
½ teaspoon sugar
3 tablespoons cream
60g butter
1 tablespoon flour
t teaspoons dry sherry
1 beef cube
2 tablespoons canned green pepper corns
Trim steak and pound lightly. Heat butter and oil in pan, add steaks and cook quickly on both sides to seal in juices, then cook until don to taste. Remove steaks and keep warm.Add flour to pan and stir to combine with pan juices. Stir in wine, sherry, water and crumbled stock cube, sugar, and green pepper corns. Stir until sauce boils, reduce heat and simmer for three minutes. Add cream, stir throughly and pour over steaks.
Spinach Rice
60g butter
2 cloves garlic
1½ cups long grain rice
2½ cups water
Salt and pepper
6 stalks spinach
Heat butter in pan and add crushed garlic and, rice. Stir to coat rice with butter, add water, salt and pepper. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer very gently, uncovered, until liquid has almost been absorbed. Stir occasionally. Wash spinach thoroughly, remove leaves and chop or shred finely. Stir into rice and continue cooking very gently for a further 5 minutes.
Apple Tuna Salad
1 large tin tuna
4 red apples
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4 stalks celery, chopped
1 tablespoon capers
½ cup mayonnaise
Salt and pepper
Drain fish and break into bite-size pieces. Core (but do not peel) apple and dice. Sprinkle lemon juice over apple to prevent it from discolouring. combine tuna, apples. celery, mayonnaise and capers. Mix well. Season with salt and pepper.