Mary was born at home in Gippsland, Victoria, with a midwife in attendance. Five months later the family moved to Yarram to start a dairy farm. The block was unfenced and had no house and for the first winter Mr and Mrs White, with five children under eight years of age, lived in a tent. These seemingly hard conditions were not unusual at that time . In Victoria all rural schools were numbered and Mary still remembers that the local school she attended at Worang (long since demolished), was No. 4203. school No. 1 was eight miles away at Alberton but was too far to walk. Apart from dairying, whaling and fishing were the major industries for these towns on the south eastern Victorian coast. For many years now they have been superseded by gold, coal and oil. At the outbreak of war , Mary and her sister closed their business in the local town and moved to Melbourne to help in the “war effort”. After the war she married a Western Australian airman who she met in Melbourne. Mary came to live on the Marradong farming property of Westover, now occupied by son Garry, his wife Kay and daughter Amanda. After their two sons and a daughter had grown, Mary and Mac retired to Boddington, where they have since built a lovely home overlooking the town and where Mary’s interest in gardening is becoming increasingly more evident. Mary has always been interested in arts and crafts, from her early involvement with the Marradong (now Quindanning) CWA days and she was one of the three women responsible for falling the original meeting to form the Arts Council.
“Boddington Arts had printed this book,
Of Goodies Galore for grommets to cook.
Cooking is fun if you will but try it,
But try not to remember
that you’re on a diet”
Mary Batt
Zucchini Slice
There is always one particular recipe in vogue. Over the years it had been pavlovas, cheesecakes and not so very long ago quiche. 1985 saw the arrival of zucchini slice and most people have made or tasted one of the various versions. It is a tasty slice that deserves its popularity, it freezes well, the ingredients can be varied according to taste or whatever is on hand and is a great way to use up those surplus eggs when the hens are really on the job.
350g zucchini, grated coarsely
1 lartd onion, finely chopped
5 eggs, lightly beaten
¼ to ½ cup oil
3 rashers bacon, chopped
1 cup grated tasty cheese
1 cup self raising flour
salt and pepper to taste
Parsley, shallots or fresh basil may also be added
Grated carrot gives a dash of colour
Combine all ingredients thoroughly. season with salt and pepper. Pour into baking tin or quiche dish and bake in a moderate oven for 30 t0 40 minutes or until set.
Serves 4 to 6 and can be eaten hot or cold.